When I first heard of this groups name it threw me a little, but I'm glad that I'm telling you about them without having to say their name out loud because I feel that I would pronounce it wrong.
Na Style Jaa are an American three piece hip hop group. The boys only formed in January 2011 but this has not held their music career back. Their songs focus on history mainlybut involve a modern twist. Their music is original to them, which is a great quality for them that not many bands or groups can say. It is great to see such young people performing their own original music instead of covers. All of their songs (I think) can be downloaded from their website so if you like their style then make sure you go and grab some of their songs.
You can:
- visit their website www.nastyrapmusic.com/
- facebook them www.facebook.com/NaStyleJaa
- tweet them www.twitter.com/NaStyleJaa
- watch them www.youtube.com/nastylejaa
This is their song Lost in the City. This is a song about a young saxophone player who travelled around to puruse a career in music but he didn't make it as he had hoped and ended up performing in the streets. The song is a battle through his conscience about where he wants to take his life. I thought you needed to know the story behind the song for it to be easily understood.
Abbie xox
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