Friday, 20 January 2012

The Survival Code

The Survival Code are a very lovely rock band from London. This group have only been together for a short period of time but seem to be doing very well throughout their success as a band. I'm afraid I really can't tell  you very much about them because they are another band that keeps it all very quiet about themselves. I honestly wish them all the best as a band and I really do hope that we get to see more about them in the future because they are a great band. And I look forward to being able to have their music playing on my iPod on repeat.

You can:
- facebook them
- tweet them
- watch them

This is their song Love is a Burning. Unfortunately they don't have any official music videos quite yet but I'm sure it won't be long until they've got one for us all to see.

Abbie xox

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