Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Kickstart The Season

Kickstart the season are a pop/punk band from Ireland. This band only formed in August of this year so they haven't been around all that long yet they are already working on their EP. This band is made up of five. I wish I could give you more information about them but I can't find anything else and I don't know anything else.

You can:
- facebook them at
- tweet them at
- watch them at

This is Kickstart the Season performing On My Mind.

Abbie xox


  1. Hello,
    This band is awesome, I'm a friend of the band.
    They are actually a five piece.
    But they are well worth checking out

  2. OMG! I heard these guys before!! They're really good!!!

  3. Thank you for that, I'm not really sure where I managed to pick up four from. I'm glad to get a friend of the bands correction there.
    They are very good, I couldn't agree more with you.
