One direction are most known for appearing on x-factor and coming in third place after being mentored by Simon Cowell, the show has done them wonders and they boys are now managing to live their dream of being rock stars. Although the boy group were put together by the show they have managed to stay together pleasing hundreds of girls across the UK. One Direction consists of Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horran, Zayn Malik and Harry Styles each one manages to catch teenage girls attention everywhere they go. A good thing about One Direction is that being at a young age themselves they will attract a fan base of a similar age who will age and grown old with each other meaning that they will always be in sync with what's popular with their age group. It must be a lot of pressure to be brilliant at such a young age and to meet the demand of their fans but they seem to do it well.
You can:
- check out their website www.onedirectionmusic.com/
- tweet them www.twitter.com/onedirection
- visit their facebook www.facebook.com/onedirectionmusic
- watch them at www.youtube.com/onedirectionchannel
You can download their new song What makes you beautiful on 11th September and it will be available to buy in store on 12th September. I'm sure we will be seeing the boys on the new series of x-factor performing their new single before long. I will be honest, I've had One Direction planned to write about for a long time but I hadn't checked out their new song until finally starting to write about them, I instantly fell in love with their song. It probably helps that it is incredibly cheesy but it's a feel good song. It will go down well with all the girls in the world. I shall leave you with their new song, although this isn't the official video for the song which seems to as it's being kept hidden until the release date.
Abbie xox
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