Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Datura Glow

My Photos by

This is my first blog post featuring a band where I personally know one of the members, it is weird to think that I know at least one of them and I will get to meet the rest of the band soon. But it's great that friends of mine are taking advantage of their musical quality. Datura Glow only formed in August of 2011 which means that they should still be a bit rough around the edges and not to an amazing quality level. But their first ever single/song released begs to differ.
Datura Glow perform acoustic/rock which means that it is slightly more subtle to most rock songs. The band consists of Jo Arlo singing lead vocals, Jack Hodgson with guitar and backing vocals and Jack Carter with Guitar and are based in Kent. I think if these guys actually put their mind to it then they could actually go far with a music career. So just remember where you heard about them first.

You can:
- facebook them www.facebook.com/Datura-Glow/
- check out their myspace www.myspace.com/daturaglow
- reverb nation www.reverbnation.com/daturaglow (link to song)

Due to the band being fairly new it means that they don't have any videos yet for me to share with you which is slightly disappointing but check out the link above to listen to their song.

Let me know what you think.
Abbie xox

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